Scotts Hill Senior Center
96 Hwy 114 S
Scotts Hill, TN 38374
Phone: (731)549-3720
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The Scotts Hill Senior Center is useful to the community, it is available to the people in the community for birthday parties, private meetings, church groups, as well as, wedding and baby showers.
Also the center is used by the Lions Club, Appreciation Committee, and other local originations use the center for gatherings.

services are offered at the center, such as a daily nutrition meal,
transportation to and from the center and an occasional medical or business
trip. Meals are served at the center five days a week. The center
operates a van to make sure anyone who wants may attend.
Informational and referral services are done to link the clients to many existing resource agencies - state and local. Certification for commodities and energy assistance are done in the center. Commodities are brought to the center so that they can be picked up more handedly. |
The center offers recreation and social activities. It might be exercise, games, crafts, music or singing. There are also books available to checkout at the beginning of a small library. Educational, health and informational programs are enjoyed monthly. The largest crowds of each month are when we put out a pot luck meal. |
Fundraising projects are done often to supply matching funds and/or to supplement operating funds. |
The benefits far outweigh the costs. Good volunteers are the backbone of the center. |